Daily horoscope



Belonging to the earth trilogy means that the element that largely determines its character is the Earth.

It causes the Taurus to tread on the ground, and material matters are important for him, which provide him with security and life stability.

This results above all in the fact that Tauruss subordinate a significant part of their activities to earning money, and also manage them well, indeed multiplying them.

Tauruss, thanks to the presence of the Earth in their sign, are also ambitious and constantly want to develop, never stopping with basic skills and abilities. They are a model of determination, especially if they care about something.

They are patient; they are wary of making mistakes and are a model of diligence, responsibility and responsibility.

Also essential to them are relationships with people, lasting relationships with people on which they can rely. They can also be trusted, but unfortunately, they are sometimes prone to tyranny, overbearing, possessiveness and making very radical decisions. However, they are always well thought out.

The taurus reflects the symbol of spring, fragrant and fertile soil – it is very passionate, sensual and materialistic.

There are also proverbs with the Earth, which fit well with Taurus, above all, “to tread on the ground”. Tauruss fully implement this proverb, not yielding to difficult circumstances and always strive to achieve their goal, even if they encounter troubles and adversities on their way.

Caretaking planet and the characteristics of Taurus

The Planet-guardian of the Taurus is Venus, who in Greek myths was the patron of love, as well as fertility, sensuality, desire and lust.

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