Daily horoscope

Category: Dreams

Girl Dream Meaning

A girl, a young girl, means fun, eroticism, untapped potential, as well as a desire for sexual experiences with a young, inexperienced person who does not yet have the …

Kiss Dream Meaning

A kiss in a dream symbolizes love, tenderness, peace, harmony and satisfaction with life; it is also a sign of young love and fresh romance. What Does Dreaming About …

Sex Dream Meaning

A dream about sex reflects current and pleasant life experiences, a relationship, or strong emotions. Better look at the characteristics of the partner you are having intercourse with. It …

Mouse Dream Meaning

Mouse are often depicted as a symbol of evil. They are inherently associated with the destruction process, especially when we think of mouse at home. Dreaming of mouse can …

Dress Dream Meaning

Dress in a dream has many meanings. It stands for protection, social function, feelings and your intentions. The most important thing is its appearance. The dream book shows that, …

Car Dream Meaning

Does a car in a dream always mean a journey? It turns out not. The dream interpretation indicates that such a dream can have many interpretations. The car symbol …

Water Dream Meaning

A dream about water portends wealth and worry, harmony and chaos. In the dream book, water has both positive and negative meanings. Depending on the context and whether we …