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The Lovers – yes no tarot

Yes No tarot reading : The Lovers

Attachment or relationship · Conflicting choices · Partners · Relationships · Community

Lovers have a connection with the astrological sign of Gemini.

This card can therefore refer to our complicated, dual nature. Both to what is inside us, spiritual, related to emotions, as well as to simple everyday matters and all issues related to our analytical side.

Lovers refer to these most delicate feelings such as: love, fascination, infatuation. It is a complicated card that has many ambiguous feelings.

yes no tarot lovers

However, it allows you to find a key in this chaos, a sure path. If you want her to explain things that bite you, ask her now.

Lovers suggest that you are somewhere at a crossroads in life. They may indicate the beginning of a new stage of life, the need to make some important life choices.

It may suggest a breakthrough is approaching that will turn your life upside down. The card indicates the choice between two options, two partners that you have similar feelings for, or refers to two things you are thinking about, etc.

Although this card is very symbolic for relationships, love and community, it can also be a disclosure of a positive business partnership or cooperation that will allow you to move forward in life.
The answer to your question is: YES.

yes no tarot reading
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