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The Hermit – yes no tarot

Yes No tarot reading : The Hermit

Detachment · Advice · Loneliness · Difficult search and introspection · Thinking and reflection

The hermit is an extremely spiritual card and is often associated with institutions and large organizations.

This card indicates spirituality, even if you are an atheist. It will not necessarily be about religiousness, but rather about a sense of emotional depth and a stronger feeling of what is happening in your life.

This may have to do with a person you have some doubts about and do not know what to expect from them. The card reveals its true nature, even the dark one.

hermit yes no tarot

If you’ve found this card, it means that you can get new information about the case or the person you are most interested in. Maybe it also means that you should seek messages or help from more experienced or knowledgeable people. You can also refer to the Hermit’s card for answers.

The hermit is a card – a symbol of the search for some spiritual enlightenment. Lonely introspection, meditation and contemplation are also associated with it.

Perhaps some of your search and reflection are simply required on your part. This card refers to life wisdom, indicates peace and the search for truth in your life.

The presence of this card in your set announces that you should take care of learning, learning, and exploring new things.

The interpretation of this card in the set is not clear, so the answer to your question is: maybe.

yes no tarot reading
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