Daily horoscope

Temperance – yes no tarot

Yes No tarot reading : Temperance

Ability · Control · Harmony and balance · Overcoming addictions · Confidence

Moderation is a card about balance in life and interpersonal relationships, including romantic ones.

Friendship, family, good partnership and purely professional relationships clearly need your attention. It is also an alchemy and matching card.

You may have to search and try for a long time before you come up with what interests you and find a life path. If you have any questions that can help you find your way, now is the best time to ask them.

temperance yes no tarot

Moderately indicates the arrival of a period of calmness, stability and harmony. You will be calm and balanced.

You will surround your loved ones with warmth, you will try to avoid tensions and anxieties, and endure any changes with patience worthy of a chess master.

There will be time full of consent, you will enjoy good relations with your loved ones. It also indicates moderately financial stability, a period without fireworks, but above all loss-free.

The Moderation card means divine intervention and balance. The presence of this card within your reach reveals a high level of confidence and control. The answer given by this card is most likely affirmative.

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