Daily horoscope

The Sun – love tarot

Love tarot reading : The Sun

Abundance · Achievement · Joy · Productivity · Success

If the Sun card appears in your spacing, it is a sign that soon you can feel more at ease than before, perhaps best for several good years.

It indicates that the time will come for a good vacation, take a vacation, rest and try all kinds of new things.

The sun means vitality, freedom, joy and self expression.

tarot love sun

People in permanent relationships will want more space in their relationships. You and your partner will feel the need for controlled loneliness. He wants to be with himself, in peace and quiet.

This is not the time to be ostentatiously honest, obtrusively tender or needy, too gentle, unable to cope with himself.

If you are looking for love, it may appear on the horizon. However, you will have to prepare for building a new relationship. You will not get along in everything. If you lack patience, it’s better not to get involved in this relationship.

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