Daily horoscope

Seven of Swords

Avoiding confrontation · Failure · Failure · Theft · Unknown opponents

The Seven of Swords can point to someone who behaves with less than ethical intentions.

Sometimes it also means interfering in someone’s life where you do not belong.

If you sense that someone is spying on you, you may be right.

If you want to get involved in someone’s life (unless it’s a child who gave you cause for concern), resist this impulse.

Everyone deserves privacy.

Seven of Swords – tarot card meaning

If you take part in any competition, formal or informal this month, you will want to carefully monitor any fraud. It can be anything – from someone who cheats in a card game to someone who wants to put you in something serious at work. The most important thing is to make sure that you do it discreetly and in the right way, and then you will have nothing to worry about.


If you are in a stable relationship, this card means that trust is crucial. If you feel that your partner is suspecting something, try to talk about it, even if it is difficult. Passivity and aggressiveness will only make the situation worse. If you are looking for love, you may now meet someone interesting, but try to avoid feeling like you are not interested in the relationship. Potential candidates will choose someone who is more involved. Strive for balance.


When there is a Seven of Swords in the spacing, this is a sign that it is definitely not the time to play or borrow money, because you will probably lose a lot. You may have to make difficult choices regarding money, but do not sacrifice your integrity for cash, because your self-esteem and spiritual well-being will suffer. You cannot buy these things for money.

Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords


The best way to solve the last conflict will be diplomacy and cunningness. Avoid open confrontations.


Your success in the future depends on your ability to overcome opposition. The chosen strategy will decide whether you will suffer losses or go ahead. Assessing your objection will make your actions more targeted.

YES or NO Tarot Reading – Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords brings defeat and obvious pessimism.

It suggests the possibility of stealing or not realizing full potential in the future due to unknown opponents or perhaps a mental delay on your part.

The answer you are looking for is: NO.

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