Daily horoscope

December 15

Who was born on December 15 is trusting, loving – interested in social work.

December 15 Birthday Horoscope

They face the greatest pressure of life and need space to speed up, as well as to express their creative expansion. They also need listeners of their theories. For they are always preoccupied with an idea they want to make reality, deeply trusting that everything will turn out fine eventually. They are very eager and demonstrative about their feelings; often falling in love.

Their organism is strong and immune to illnesses – so they usually grow to be very old and keep all the faculties of their mind to the very end. In the event they fall sick, it usually includes pulmonary ailments or nervous breakdowns. Despite their unusual liveliness and activity – they can rest and rejuvenate their strength, they usually sleep deeply, albeit they are easy to wake up.

However, when life demands extraordinary effort of them – their expansion easily goes overboard; they carelessly use up their strength which can end up in exhaustion. They can achieve the best results in both cooperation and marriage with people born from July 22 to August 23 and from March 20 to April 21.

What should they be wary of? They are in for sad love experiences. Disappointments, uncertain feelings and misplaced trust – these are the results of their love which is not enough discreet and foreseeing. By letting careless impulses guide their feelings – they eventually feel offended and misanthropic. They can experience jealousy so strongly that it almost causes physical distress, eventually leading to sickness or drastic actions.

December 15th – zodiac sign

If your birthday is on December 15 your zodiac sign is Sagittarius

December 15th zodiac sign Sagittarius

Birthday Personality – December 15

character : hard-working, passionate, realistic, suspicious, immoral, curious;
profession : actor/actress, physicist, mathematician;
colors : black, pink, claret;
stone : sapphire;
animal : Red Panda;
plant : Japanese maple;
lucky numbers : 2,28,31,38,49,57
power lucky number : 3

personality and character December 15th

Holidays and observances – December 15th

  • Homecoming Day (Alderney)
  • International Tea Day
  • Bill of Rights Day (United States) 2nd Amendment Day (South Carolina)
  • Zamenhof Day (International Esperanto Community)
  • Kingdom Day (Netherlands), moves to December 16 if the 15th is on a Sunday

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